Oh, yes: the shopping alert! Righteous Doc had some glamxurious green sunglasses on at Cooter Gameday a few weeks ago. Squeal! I just had to have a pair!
So they're at Anthropologie. I bought a pair over the weekend in NYC, and the ones I got were on sale for $10. They are tres cute, I am not lying!
You can buy this style online at anthropologie.com for $24.

....or you can pop over to the new Anthropologie at Canal Place before the Tulane Coach's Radio Show on Wednesday and find the really cute green pair I got for $10.
So the 4-1-1 on the radio show is that the location is awesome and you need to be there. For any true Greenwave fan, it's an incredible opportunity to chat up the players in person and also banter with Coach Toledo and the athletic department staff who are there. If you want inside scoop, the radio show is the place to be, no lie.
As far as locations for the radio show, Gordon Biersch really tops all of the other locations we've had the show. I can't imagine the radio show at the old Tavern on the Park with Tommy Bowden. Yawn.
Allegedly, Bowden was crazy zealous about even the mere prescence of alcohol. and He allegedly would not even speak directly with Sandy Barbour because he was such a homophobe.
Which reminds me, I have to share about what a bold faced liar Tommy Bowden was at his last radio show at Tavern on the Park. Christian, my @ss. His bible is probably on fire. Bowden swore up and down to the loyal TU Dat listeners in attendance that he was going to pray to God (!) that night for direction about the miraculous Clemson opportunity that had materialized out of thin air without any solicitation. He claimed he had made no decisions, but was just anguished.
- My Dear Fans, I seriously have to do a sign of the cross and pray a Hail Mary as I type this because I cannot comprehend how a self-righteous Christian would knowingly invoke God in a lie -
So my favoritest booster of all time, Sweet J, goes home after Bowden's Jimmy Swaggert moment and turns on a shortwave radio she likes to listen to before going to sleep. She picks up a Carolina station announcing that Bowden had inked a deal that afternoon and that he would be in Clemson in the morning for the official announcement on campus. Talk about WTF.
Hmmm, so glad Bowden's only real claim to fame seems to be his tenure here at Tulane. Let the record state: We were his only top 10 team and his only undefeated team. He is still, deservedly, unemployed as of the writing of this blog post. Oh wait, I hear he peddles himself out for "Faith Based" Motivational Speeches at exciting gatherings like the Appalachacola Fantasy Football League meetings and such. It's quite riveting. I hear his podium will get struck by lighting and spontaneously combusts into flames.
... So meanwhile back in New Orleans, y'all (ha! I promise I am so over Bowden) .... Gordon Biersch is on beautiful Fulton Street and with this a-mazing weather, is simply heavenly with their indoor/outdoor bar. The Gordon Biersch Bar is the closest thing to re-living Collegiate Life out on the Ren-Deck.

In addition to the lovely ambiance, their microbrewed beers are actually really delish for those of us sinners out there that don't get all waded up over the presence of alcohol. However, the best thing is that the menu is so yum and there's a TON of choices: crab dip, wedge salad, garlic fries, soft chewy pretzels, kobe burgers, tuna steak, chicken fettucini....like how can any TU Dat be sitting at home when you can have a yummy dinner and be live in person with the Greenwave at the same time? and with your cute new Anthropologie sunglasses, it's a veritable win-win situation.

Tulane Football Coach's Radio Show
Wednesdays til Thanksgiving
6-7p Tulane sports talk
7-8p Coach Toledo and Football players
Gordon Biersch Brewery and Restauraunt
Poydras at Convention Center Blvd
Roll Wave!
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