This is primarily a Tulane football blog, although I do occasionally comment on all matters Tulane that may or may not be any of my business. I love following Tulane Greenwave football, zing-zang Bloody Marys, hostessing cute tailgating parties, and life in New Orleans. It's fabulous. oh and I adore Mr. Hullabaloo. PS This blog is not affiliated in any way "officially" with Tulane University or Tulane Athletics. It is purely the crazy antics and obsessions of Mr. and Mrs. Hullabaloo who love them some greenwave (I say tee-ay (!) y'all).

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Love and Light to Scott Cody

Nobody doubts that Coach and Mrs. Hullabaloo are fierce defenders of the Green Wave. Fo Shizzle.

So during the course of valiantly holding the New Orleans media accountable to, like, do their job - we had the pleasure of making acquaintance with Miss Scott Cody of WWL-TV

For anybody who watched the "apology/making it up to us" segment of the Utep game on WWL on Monday at 5 - Coach and I feel we had a hand in that. Every single affiliate in New Orleans had the same excuse for not mentioning the score: They had technical difficulties getting feed from El Paso. All four stations? God forbid some sort of emergency situation happen if they can't even manage to get a sports bit like a freaking score.

There is a big difference in publishing a score and editing a segment. Yes we understand that Tulane is not your ticket to national news prominence so don't waste your time on editing segments. and also yes we understand that a game over 24 hours old is stale news. Unless of course it's LSU and then it is automatically deemed "newsworthy" regardless of the 24 hour cut-off requirement as specified by Miss Cody and can then be lazily inserted as excuse for "news" every single sports segment until the next time a horseshoe falls out of Les Miles' behind.

So after a slew of patronizing correspondence in which Miss Cody copied everyone (and I mean like did he not have Obama's or Pope Benedict's email on hand to include also or what?), Miss Cody finally admitted that indeed the Greenie Dat Nation was correct. We weren't blind or stupid, we didn't see what wasn't there, and WWL had indeed "embarrassingly" omitted coverage.

Replay of correspondence
(in condensed and embellished form of course):

Coach Hullabaloo: this is bull.

Miss Cody with carbon copy to the universe: You are Wrong AND we're going to take your picture!

Coach Hullabaloo: here's evidence of your bull.

Miss Cody without carbon copy to everyone: Alright, we omitted coverage, but the Texas Rangers mystically transported themselves and played on Sunday as did Auburn+LSU, which is why we only cover 23 hour old/SUNDAY events on Fourth Down on Four.

So anyways, Miss Cody has informed us that he'll be setting up early for the saints game joining the Greenie Dats this weekend at the Dome for the SMU game and specifically requested ample camera shots of our section. We are so very fortunate for such showering of attention by a celebrity of Miss Cody's caliber.

So in honor of Miss Cody's cameo, Peggy and I are circling the official Hullabaloo Huddle Welcome Wagon in anticipation of Her Highness and will make sure to give him our most esteemed and gracious welcoming.


  1. So this is the same idiot who last year during the Rice game and wanted to do a stand up with the team batting behind him, so he had his camera man set up in the right field bleachers and turn on all their spots so that it was so bright and glaring that even those of us by third base were squinting. A light so glaring that it was definitely a distraction to the players who kept looking over at him, probably thinking you moron turn off the fin light were the home team and trying to bat. It took one Third Base fan screaming at the idiot to turn off his light before he realized that he was part of the game and a distraction to the game and the HOME team he was covering. The same idiot??? I know he didn't go to journalism school because no idiot who did (and yes I did) would not want to be part of the action but an observer of it. Probably an LSU grad - about the same intelligence level.

  2. I think he actually went to Texas Tech. and ye's he's an idiot.

    So when Tulane hires Mike Leach, I say we put Scott Cody in the closet.
