So I am finally posting pics from The Seniors 2011 graduation party.
From L to R, Cody Sparks, Oscar Ponce de Leon (who handed off the Torchbearer of La Raza to Rio Mares), Tyler Helm, Andrew Nierman (just signed with the Voodoo!) and Pete Hendrickson (signed with the Houston Texans!).
Below, the adorable dessert schmeckens and awesome koozies from Party Cup Express in Jefferson. (PCE also made us those cute "Sippy Cup" wine glasses)

We got a very nice thank you note in the mail today from the Future T Club Member whom we had gone to congratulate at the party (that and to enjoy the amazing crawfish and frosty cold abita beer).

Let me tell you, Coach and Mrs. Hullabaloo were just sooooo tickled and just pleased as punch over this display of Southern manners.
But what tickled us the most was that Future T Club Member signed off the note writing that he looked forward to seeing us at the tailgate parties in the fall (why, yes! of course, us too!) and that "Saturdays from a different angle will be weird." Coach and I just chuckled over that last line.
Cause that it definitely will be weird is no understatement. Not only because we will need to find a new favorite player and football family to start cheering for (Coach got a final farewell with his mancrush, Alex Wacha's, family at the party also). But also the big elephant in the room: what exact kind of season are we going to have with Doddmentum gone and Coach Bobby T's legacy at Tulane on the clock now.
I digress: I purposefully chose not to comment on Doddmentum picking up his stakes, because what really can one say about that? It was random. Here we were prepared for a sleepy finish to Toledo's tenure and Doddmentum up and leaves to go to a high school? And then an offensive coordinator is not hired (well, like how could they anyways in May), but instead hire Ricky Bustle as a "QB coach." To quote one of my favorite Gen X movies: It's like trying to find meaning in a Pauly Shore movie. Indeed. So I just can't bother my brain on this particular matter.
I had an interesting conversation with a West Virginia Mountaineers fan today. Mountaineer Fan felt that Rich Rodriguez hasn't gotten an offer anywhere because it was too late in the cycle for him to sign on anywhere when he was let go at Michigan and besides (according to MF), that his prediction was that Rich Rodriguez would become Tulane's next Head Coach. Whaaat?
It was the weirdest nugget of commentary tossed out there.
So with regards to MF's prediction about Rodriguez being our Renaissance Man, I actually find it an intriguing prospect. Yes, I do. I'll think about it some and post my thoughts about this some day.
In the meantime my little chamudi's: The only thing we, as Tulane Fans, can control is the grub and beverages we can put together for our tailgating spreads at the superdome on Saturday afternoons in the fall. Amen.
And let me tell you - this graduation party was IT in the cuteness and fabulousness department.

Don't you agree?
Cheers to Tulane Tailgating Y'all!
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