Yes, I continue to be aggravated on a daily basis by the emasculation on continual display you know where, but it's Spring and how can you not just love the beautiful days that our creator has bestowed up on us chosen ones who call Nola home. Coach Hullabaloo has reconciled himself vis-a-vis our dismal baseball conference record by suggesting that we consider checking out tailgating opportunities for Women's Sand Volleyball or Tulane Track, both of whom have been carrying the wins for Greenwave Nation. I hear Tulane Women's Bowling is also kicking ass and taking names. So....who's up for some mad beer pong over at Rock 'n Bowl?
Anyways, I was excited about spring formal season for the first time in 20 years because one of my freshmen town daughter chickadees got invited to her first fraternity formal. I was so excited for her! It's been lots of fun with my latest crop of chickadees because they both rushed and I got to share texting updates with them about their rush outfits and their party invitations and such. Anyways, since I covered the new-ish tradition of customizing coolers for your dates in last football season's blogging, I was able to catch her up to speed. And now lookey here: I get to admire her totally boss cooler.
How awesome is this?
I love that she has the date by hisself on the beach. Mrs Hullabaloo stands very, very impressed with Chickadee's mad Martha Stewart skills and hope to entice her into decorating a wood cooler that Coach Hullabaloo gifted me for the holidays for tailgating season.
So the ECU series this past weekend in Baseball was interesting in that A) Coach and Mrs. Hullabaloo were complete wus fans and B) we had a delightful tailgate hosted by FF and Red. FF was so funny, he notified me that he was relocating our official tailgating area over to the newly christened Peggy's Annex since the construction equipment for "your football stadium" was blocking our regular tailgating digs under The Ineffective Tree in Peggy's Patio.
Speaking of Ineffective, did you know that Coach Jones has now also outlawed as Ineffective the valiant Italian flag waving by BigMac and LittleMac who love them some I-talian heritage. They would furiously wave the Red and Green flag either when we had a fellow paisan at bat or on the mound and in full display over the visiting team dug out so that our dugout could see. Well apparently that's now adding undue juju to our misery, so it's been kiboshed or I think banished to an undisclosed location. Anyways, tailgating hasn't been kiboshed just yet, and so FF made some boss chicken wings and we mooched some truly epic jambalaya cooked up by Bowen Woodson's daddy who tailgates just across the way from Peggy's Annex with the rest of the players fams.
Sadly, Coach and Mrs Hullabaloo are just so over it that in the top of the ninth on Friday when we were still down, we left and missed the tying runs and the subsequent 29 overtime innings (clearly I'm exagerating, I think it was only like 4 more innings). We also just went to tailgate for Saturday and didn't attend the game. Stick a fork in us, you know the drill. But! You'll be delighted to know that I didn't leave on Friday night before snapping a picture of this completely stylish ensemble Project Runway'd by Brandon Boudreaux's momma, Leslie.
Leslie has some mad style and I have always admired her level of creativity when it comes to pairing up Greenwave inspired outfits. Like one year she bought one of the men's Tulane tuxedo vests and wore that very, very chicly with crisp black trouser shorts and an adorable white knit top. Here in this picture she's taken a Tulane pair of Mardi Gras beads and turned it into a bracelet (I mean it helps that they own a Boudreaux's Jewelry, but how cuuute!) and a very cute blue fleece blazer she upcycled from Wal-Mart with an Athletic T Wave patch and paired over this adorbs sky blue gingham oxford button down. It's just all so fab that I wish she had a What Leslie Wore blog so I can admire and pinterest all of her outfits.
So as you can see, the ECU series wasn't entirely doom and gloom. We won one game and tied up all three games. Putting aside my No Moral Victories EVER (!) attitude, the bright side is that I got to catch up with Che and FF about Challah-baloo TM next September. FF claims to make a mean brisket, and if the wings he made Saturday were any indication, I immediately shanghai'd him into committing to make brisket for Challah-baloo TM. Che thought that our theme was genius and mentioned to me about He'Brew from the Schmaltz Brewing Company.

I about fell over I was kevelling so much. As Peggy sez, it was out of control. Seriously, how absolutely genius is this beer? L'Chaim! and "the Chosen One!" Talk about lmao. Apparently there's all kinds of flavors so I am going to do a test kitchen and see if we can make a Skip n Go recipe using a variety of He'Brew.
So the additional injection of ideas for Challabaloo has me pinteresting some more for that event. I really can't wait!
So Shalom Y'all - catch up with y'all for the Houston series and our Quatro de Mayo tailgating.
Be Blessed!
Challa-baloo--Seriously, Prof, Tot, and I are VERY impressed. Damn. How did we not think of that one!
ReplyDeleteThat was all Booty Judy for the brain hurricane on that one.