Anyways, for real y'all the season may officially begin! My cute Angry Wave Tulane gameday dress is ready to go. Watch for it at the Nicholl's game next week. This dress needs a full day of tailgating, so it won't be wasted on a midweek game.
As you can probably guess from my silence since my last blog post: we did not win the SMU game to close out the season and therefor we did not get to go bowling. Sadness. We didn't even get to go to Russia for the World Cup neither because the US lost to Trinidad. We even kicked a goal for Trinidad in that game just to put an exclamation point on how we were so not going to the World Cup.
It was indeed our winter of discontent.
I can't begin to tell you how wretched it was to see opponent after opponent in their bowl games and us sitting at home with the Saints Vikings playoff game to pour more salt on our bruised and wounded egos.
Full Stop.
Ermagerd, that SMU game was beyond my worst nightmare come true. I can't even watch highlights from that game still. I can't even stomach the promo hype videos that the video department has been putting out because it shows highlights from the SMU game. I just prefer to pretend that that game didn't even happen, it happened to someone else, and it was just a terrible forgotten dream from long long ago.
I mean, we looked all cute and Tulane-y too with our buttons and boots and cute skirt, but it was all for naught.
I cried. Coach Hullabaloo cried. Actual (real) Coaches Wives were crying. And then to make matters worse omg on how the Saints lost to the Vikings, with friggin Case Keenum torturing us YET again!! That man! I am so over him! Sweet baby Jesus on a kingcake, why?!
Speaking of King Cake - guess who got to ride in Rex on Fat Tuesday in the Greenwave Mobile?!
This girl! See, there's even video that made the TV. LOL on our friends saying "No Way!"
Yes way! We have the greatest friends, and I had so much fun! It definitely helped me lick my wounds. And while talking about the VW (who our owner friends have named "Sophie") - Sophie needs some repairs and updates y'all. So here is a call out to all in Greenwave Nation to pitch in a tip so that Sophie can go get fixed up and maintained.
Sophie is owned by super fans who live out of state and they pay for all of her care out of pocket. They created her and do not get any University funding, other than they are granted a parking space in Diboll so that they didn't have to drive her back and forth every football and Mardi Gras season. I know we can be very generous in Greenwave Nation, so please make this girl happy by helping our friend make their goal. Thank you!!
So, what also helped turn my sadness around was beating LSU (again!) in baseball at Turchin last baseball season. Yassss indeed!
We were so pleased.
And you know it's not a victory unless we get to twerk, and twerk I did y'all!
The next day was my final farewell wearing this beloved shirt. I couldn't wait to parade it around our favorite breakfast spot in the morning. Just as a reminder that we ended the rivalry with a win now that the Corndogs refuse to play us in any sport anymore.
Bunch of chickens.....
So other than the big win over the Corndogs, I decided to boycott writing about baseball season last spring, because that was such a major dumpster fire and very unHullabaloo-worthy.
And speaking of Hullabaloo - it's been 4 months since our last Hullabaloo. I can't wait to do the Hullabalooo in Columbus, and in Birmingham, and dare I say: at Homecoming. And tomorrow is THE. DAY!! Our first official gameday of the 2018 season is upon us and goodness knows I am ready.
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