Ha! This photo really looks like it should have it's own episode of Glee...
At one of the Tulane v. SMU games in Dallas I was complaining about how they make that poor pony run across the field with that pole harness thing. It was breaking my heart. Especially since to add insult to injury
Matt Forte racked up 350 yards running that game and got named to the Doak Walker list. Doak is an SMU player for which the award is named. Ironic and insulting to pony fans. But running that poor horse around seemed so inhumane! Well DaddyS sort of made me feel better by telling me that the poor horse could otherwise be alone somewhere, in the rain, nothing to eat....But now it's being housed in Highland Park and getting spa treatments at Neiman's. Okay then. I like Neiman's Tea Room.
Sort of on topic, Kaare Johnson yesterday praised how LSU has a $3million facility for Mike. I am most certainly
not down with that. That is so atrocious when the school is firing professors. But I digress....
So it's GAMEDAY (!) and we have gorgeous weather. Glorious! The
Greenwave play at Home at Da Dome, and I am attempting Tyler's Ultimate Potato Salad here in a few. And y'all know how much I
adore Chef Ty, hopefully all will be well in the world today.
And thankfully, NO crazy drives to Tulsa this weekend. Remind me to tell you sometime how Coach Hullabaloo somehow managed to get on a loop in Paris, Texas, we added an HOUR onto our already endless drive and we were
perilously close to a divorce.
Coach Hullabaloo put together burger patties with his signature
No Mistake Recipe and I have a portobella for the future Mrs. Voice of the Greenwave. Bootie Judy shared that some of her tailgating partners talked about finding horse meat for their tailgating menu for today. We don't have much room to argue here in Louisiana when we eat alligator, frog and crawfish. But as
much I appreciate the thought behind being an Ultimate SuperFan
TM at all times, that's gross. But thankfully the wives stepped in and halted such proceedings.
Also on tap for today is my
famous guacamole but I need to figure out a cole slaw on the fly here.
I'm leaning towards Tyler's Spicy Pecan Coleslaw...
TY'S SPICY PECAN COLESLAW1 head napa or savoy cabbage, shredded
4 carrots, shredded
2 Granny Smith apples, thinly sliced
1 medium red onion, thinly sliced
1 cup pecans, toasted and chopped
Leaves from 1 bunch fresh mint, for garnish
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon ground chipotle
3/4 cup mayonnaise
1 lemon, juiced
smidge saltnpeppa to taste
Toss veggies and pecans together in a plastic tub.
In a separate bowl stir together the mustard, sugar, mayonnaise, ground chipotle, and lemon juice until deliciously whipped into a blend. Shake, shake, shake some saltnpeppa to taste. Dip your clean finger into the bowl and taste the dressing to see if it's fabulous and you love it.
Lovingly pour dressing over the veggies, cover your tub, and then shake your bootie while you shake the tub so that the dressing coats and distributes well. Sneak another taste and make sure you love it love it, then garnish with chopped mint leaves.
TY'S ULTIMATE POTATO SALAD1 pound small Yukon gold potatoes - chopped
1 large egg
Kosher salt
1/4 bunch sliced scallions, white and green parts
1 tablespoon drained capers
1 cups mayonnaise
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
2 generous tablespoons finely chopped dill pickles with a generous splash of juice
1/4 small red onion, thinly chopped
2 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
1/4 bunch dill, chopped
1/4 lemon, juiced
black pepper
Extra-virgin olive oil, for drizzling
Put the potatoes and eggs into a big saucepan of cold salted water. Bring to a simmer. After 12 minutes remove the eggs with a slotted spoon and let cool. Cook taters for 3 minutes longer and then drain and cool.
Set aside some scallion greens and capers for garnish. Meanwhile, stir together the mayonnaise, mustard, pickles and their juice, onion, remaining scallions and capers, parsley, and lemon juice.
Peel and chop the cooled egg. Add egg to cooled taters, mix everything with dressing. Saltnpeppa to taste and then drizzle with EVOO and garnish.
Roll Wave Y'all!