Here Mrs. Hullabaloo-icious with a long-lost Tulane classmate who also flew in for the game. I think the ambulance in the background was carrying leftover Miner @ss, since it had been handed to them.
Also, as you can see from my photo, it's not a complete game unless all Greenie fans are properly costumed. What was sort of funny was that he was scaring baby Miner fans. Oh no, crying babies.
and I'm not referring to the one UTEP idiot on the 50 ydl who would not shut up. This Miner fan was a complete child. I think Man Child had a man crush on Dezman Moses as he showered all of his pent up energy on Dez. What was just a classic "color" moment of the game was when after Alex Wacha got the final interception, the players turned around and dished it back to Man Child. And dude was hard core. Man Child gave a valiant, yet pathetic, last stand.
The Final Dis Replay
(imagine Man Child looks like the Mexican-American Comedian, Fluffy)

Unidentified Greenie turns around and bootie dances at Man Child. Man Child screams "I saw your mom do that last night in Juarez!" and starts peeling off dollar bills. Greenie yells back "and You've got bigger boobs that my mom!" Man Child ignores friend's plea that they just follow the rest of the UTEP stream out of the stadium. Man Child continues waving his dollar bill. Greenie yells "That must be all the money you got!" and then the players continue waving at Man Child as he finally runs out of gestures and ideas to make himself feel better about the Miner's choking.
Although I have to say Man Child was a little weak as far as opponents' idiot fans go. He was not nearly as vulgar as the Town and Gown approved idiots at UCF. And he didn't resort to the so very very infantile middle finger salute like LSU Grandmothers and Houston Cooter Fans generally opt for. If I recall, Man Child's loudest digs into Dezman Moses had something to do about making Gumbo? So it was really kind of easy to ignore him. I just thought it was funny that for the first time I've been witness to, our guys had some snappy things to say back.
So I also met this alum who drove in from Albuquerque, who is also appropriately costumed. Love this!
So we leave El Paso with a win. Thank You El Paso!

Without further ado, the Official Tulane Victory Trip to El Paso Photo Story Captured from the beginning
Team Welcomed to El Paso (thank you very much!)
Team runs out on the field

Crazy first punt return where a greenie goes airborne after being tackled. (Photo by UTEP Prospector, Bob Corral)

Erleeeens Darkwa! (and a Miner with his pants on the ground) - El Paso Times photo by Rudy Gutierez

DJ "Wiki Wiki" Banks (photo by Michael Reese)


Roll Wave! Now let's go get us 3 more W's....
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