This A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E olive and blue reversible jacket at Target for $15.

Online Shopping Link Here
It's not puffy, so you don't look overstuffed and the colors are just perfect. RUN to your laptop or nearest Target and get one stat. Perfect for midweek baseball games. and the season is almost upon us, you know.
Now, for the dispatches: Everybody in El Paso has been SO nice! Imagine my surpise when we show up to the hotel with the team and we are welcomed with a BANNER and balloons (will post pic soon).
I say we ditch Tulsa and just keep UTEP games on our conference schedule. Maybe replace Tulsa with Memphis somehow. Cause I never wanna go back to Aslut, that was whack. ARE YOU READING THIS RICK DICKSON?
Anyways, we are STUCK with YET ANOTHER Tulane fan that roots for LSU. (and he's with us for at least another hour or so when we can lose him at tailgating). Talk about WTF. This one says if you are a native New Orleanean, you have to root for LSU. I call B.S. on that one. Helllloooo, I may not have been fortunate enough to be "native" but I know plenty more Tulane fans than the two I've encountered these past two weeks who would rather lose a limb than cheer for the tiggers.
Y'all know what I mean, right? Of course you do, otherwise you would have posted a nasty message like a random character did a few months ago trying to "educate" me about the error of my ways and that Billy Cannon truly is the second coming of the Mesiah (but just impersonating a degenerate gambler and counterfiter at the present time).
I think there must be some chromosonal misplacement with these poor misguided souls.
Anyways, back to cheering for Auburn while we wait for our bus to UTEP.
Roll Wave!
- Mrs. Hullabaloo-icious
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