I right-clicked these pictures from the Times Pic. I claim no ownership, but ever thankful they sent Rusty Constanza as witness in case they need to prove that they cover -local- college teams from time to time.
What can I say my dear Chamudis! I ain't got nothing to say. Season starts next week.
I ain't got nothing to say to them Ducks neither. They can just Talk to the Hand!
So now my self-imposed media exile begins. What a downer. Cause All We'll Hear About this week is Purple, Purple, Purple. Gag me with a spoon.
I did take a chance and watched the 10pm news hoping that since their game wasn't final they wouldn't have highlights from Dallas. Thank You sweet baby Jesus for the reprieve for at least an evening. Cause I just know Scott Cody has got his ponytails all waded up from jumping up and down waiting breathlessly to get back to New Orleans tell his side of the story.
Anyways, our Game: I was trying to figure out the flashcards SLU had going on there. MO looked like Up the Middle. KX looked like screen pass to the right.

Is that the deal with a "Hurry Up Offense": Weird Signs? Cause I don't remember that from the 98 season when we had some kind of Hurry Up and Put this Game Away situation happening.
And how about Robert Kelley though?! Ke-lley! Ke-lley! Ke-lley! Westbankers Unite!

By the way, is this legal? Trying to disrobe our players when you can't stop them?
And did Wilson Van Hoosier have wheaties for breakfast or what?

Where did that catch and run come from? Of course then he turned right around and had a case of butter fingers on a bullet that Griffin nailed right to into his hands. Oy vey. But, if there's one thing that I can thank the Football Gods for the NFL lockout, it's that Drew Brees cast a spell over Ryan Griffin. Who is this cool, confident and accurate QB at the helm? I hope he sticks around and the OL holds up against Tulsa next week.
WGNO's highlights have great footage of Mr. Kelley and Mr. Van Hoosier (btw, is that Kristina Pink y'all?)
I must add that I am kind of numb and in disbelief that we blocked a punt. For a safety. Yes in-deed. The last time we did something, anything, on special teams was 7 years ago. Which is like 52 in cat years. or something.
That Safety should have been a TD imho but the Refs were just tripping over themselves to blow the spread instead of cooperating with us for once. Like what was the story with giving us a late hit penalty when we tripped and landed on our own player?
I'm also not going to say anything about the third down penalties for being off sides. Mr. Mozes and Mr. Mackey. I'll put that to the back of my mind.
But I will say that our Tailgating Brunch menu was a success. As well as our paired down tailgating inside of the dome parking garage.

Applause, Applause to our fabulous Hullabaloo Krewe of tailgaters. And welcome to Mr. Merida and his lovely wife. I simply must know how you prepare such beautiful grits. and I promise to get Tomarie's brownie recipe and post soon. My one regret from our menu is that I should have made more Praline Bacon (click for recipe) though cause apparently that was like crack around addicts.
As easy peesy as they are to make, I secretely hope that gameday Praline Bacon making is not like the superstition thing we need for good mojo. Like me having to hang out on the concourse during SLU's posessions or Peggy being exiled to a bathroom stall at Turchin. Cause I can figure out extaordinary ways to mess up a meal from time to time. This morning I burnt the first set of pecans I was trying to toast on the stove in a totally blonde kind of way. I was running around the kitchen as I tend to do on gameday mornings and kept thinking to myself What is that Burning Smell? After about 5 minutes I finally eye the charred black remains of pecans and then it dawns on me that there's smoke billowing and engulfing my kitchen. I don't think I could handle having to recreate burnt pecans every week as my contribution to the team. Coach Hullabaloo will kill me before I attempt to offer up our home in a raging inferno as our sacrifice in a quest for a winning record.
My last observation (for today anyways): One of the coolest things about being inside the garage for tailgating was that before heading in for the game everyone did a round of Hullabaloo in unison! It was a neat memory.
Next up is Aslut and lawd they got spanked by Oklahoma. Sigh...we shall see what the football gods have in store for us....
P.S. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Waveprofessora for offering up a parking space! And Thank you Big Mike for keeping Dome Security from driving us crazy another football season with their silly "no fun" rules.
Just came across your blog. It's wonderful! Great fan... roll wave! See you at the next tailgate!
ReplyDeleteyou're a great fan too! thanks for visitng the blog - glad you enjoy it!