My cute gameday dress has witnessed such very exciting moments in Tulane Football Lore.
The opening of Yulfogelmevlin. Our much anticipated away game at Georgia Tech where we decided 9 men plays was the way to go. When we snatched defeat from the jaws of Victory at Wake Forest.
And our Moralest of Moral Victories Ever which took place this weekend in Norman, Oklahoma:
My poor cute dress has never seen a win. I love it so though. I just don't want to quit on it like the Johnson Era Charcoal Unis.
We had such a great time nonetheless. We had some friends visiting from Argentina who knew nothing about American style football, didn't speak English, but who still had themselves a ball and enjoyed the game.

The morning after our loss Coach Hullabaloo was still in such a great mood that he sassed back at this old lady on a walker (!) who gave him the stink eye in the hotel elevator over his cute Hullabaloo Huddle t-shirt.
Curmudgeon Old Lady: What's that, Roll What?
Coach Hullabaloo: Roll, Wave
Curmudgeon Old Lady: Roll Whatever! (and literally rolled her eyes at Coach Hullabaloo!)
Coach Hullabaloo: Whatever, that's totally how I felt about OU when we were up 14-7. "Whatever" sooners!
Mic Drop!
Except that the elevator doors opened and Coach Hullabaloo made a quick escape. We laughed our heads off. Her poor sweet old husband was visibly mortified the entire elevator ride.

Admittedly, this moral victory wasn't quite as sweet as when we actually beat Mississippi State in Starkville 11 years ago. That was seaux aaaawesome. (ha ha Corndogs! can't win in Starkville lol). So I say, to all the major CHICKENS who skipped this road trip: Whatchu fraid of??
That we'll lose on pay per view instead of on ESPN756 or whatever we normally lose on? That some toothless Oklahoman will look at you sideways?

That's me with my dad. He drives me crazy, but he is completely harmless. OU Class of 1964. He took me to the French Quarter and Bourbon street as a senior in high school when I was college visiting Newcomb. Cause he's a cool dad. And he cheered for the Greenies the whole time and was distraught when the game started getting away from us.
Our Greenies weren't afraid and they made me so proud!

During that glorious first quarter Gaylord Memorial Stadium was silent and stunned. We belted out the Greenwave fight song to our heart's content, We chanted Hullabaloo, our dance team shimmied, TUMB was on fire, and much jubilation in the stands.
This was really happening! and I was watching it happen!

Then of course we came back down to Earth.
But it was SO worth it while it lasted! All the alumni and students who miss out on being super fans for whatever not good enough reason: that's on you.

Years from now you won't have that story of being brave enough as an undergrad to face the firing squad and road trip to Tuscaloosa when you then got to witness Jerald Sowell break free for a 98 yard touchdown and the ensuing Greenwave happiness that followed (me). Or in the case of this weekend: watch Sherman "Bad To The Bone" Badie and Dontrell "Giving 'Em Hell" Hilliard busting through on the #2 College Football Team in the country.

And not to mention, mixing and mingling with other college football fans across our great nation in the time honored tradition that is Saturdays in football season.
Our wonderful Greenwave representation hung tight till the final.

Look how cute Shockwave was.
We even postgamed at the alumni tent afterwards. So fun!! It was what every Saturday should be in the fall.
Next week is our chop block appointments with the cheating cheaters of West Point. Can't wait. But it's a brunch tailgate, and who doesn't love brunch?
Stay salty my chamudis!
"Every woman in the free world should have a dress like that!"
ReplyDeleteTed Baxter
aww, thank you!