Very exciting! Mrs. Hullabaloo gets called out! By none other than Coach Sean Payton!
Oh I'm famous, my very first news bit! I shoulda had a sign or something, No? I'm thinking Like ESPN College Gameday.... Waved to the camera, maybe? No? Too much?
This was all quite unexpected. I hadn't yet committed to a spot in the room so I am still surveying. And of all the Greenie Dats, who gets caught in video footage during Coach Payton's tirade about ignorant fans? Moi! Yes! Me! kiss kiss to all the Greenie Dats out there!*
During this bit we're being instructed by Messieur Payton that there have been exactly two good decisions at Tulane: Matt Forte and Coach Curtis Johnson.
Anyways, I have to disagree with Coach Payton though. (Yes, I'm a heretic in addition to being a poster child for ignorance. I wear many hats!)
I think that Homecoming at Champions Square was an exceptional decision. The uniforms introduced under Coach Toledo: awesome. The fireworks intro for the team: amazing. Switching the regular season tailgates from the Bud Bridge out to Gate G: excellent. So there, that's at least 4 additional examples of good decisions. But who am I to nit pick? Picky is sooo passee.
What I want to know, however, is if you have a favorite decision from the Scelfo-Toledo-Hutson era....please let me know yours!
And y'all - I have to say that I can't wait to put on all the bells and whistles and give Coach Payton my most esteemed welcome to his first o-fficial Tulane kick off sometime during the Coach "CuJo" Johnson Era. Cuz call me crazy, in 6 years I have yet to hear about a SP cameo at a Tulane game and if y'all know anything about Mrs. Hullabaloo: I have my pulse on everything Olive and Blue. Maybe I'll extend an invite to come enjoy a plate at our tailgates - how exciting! And then Coach Hullabaloo can meet his twin. (remind me to share with you sometime about how Coach Hullabaloo was constantly getting identified in public by passers by as SP during the 2006 season, because some of the stories are truly hysterical!).
*PS you know who did this segment and I just have to guess that Mrs. Hullabaloo being captured during Coach Payton's discertation on ignorant fans as more than just mere cosmic coincidence. Just saying! But I'm not too above it to milk this moment!
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