So in honor of playing the Tigers today, you, my dear readers get a treat. A SuperFan TM post.
Yay! It's been a long time I know. I've been wanting to do one on Mr. Koozie for a while, but he faxed me his responses and Mrs. Hullabaloo wishes she had the time to retype. So that will come when I can dedicate some moments for that. I promise it will be soon.
So for any of you who are lucky enough to secure seating in section 110 at Turchin, you will know Che.
Last month, I bet Che that Tulane would take the series from Ole Miss. He laughed at me silly. and so we bet a Felipe's margarita on it. I am still waiting for my Margarita!
Che always has snappy comebacks that keeps us in stitches. Really, he has some gems.

So Che is hilarious and an indispensable member of Section 110. and Now officially a Martyr. Che officially took one for the team.
On Saturday after our fabulous Spring Tailgating Festivus, we watched game 2 of the UH series. Coach and I took our time getting in to the game since we were taking things down. Just as we walked in to the stadium: All. Hell. Broke. Loose.
Oh my goodness Greenie Dats. I swear I felt the Earth shake with everybody on their feet angry and yelling. Houston had hit a foul ball out to third base and it was foul by a mile. The ref called it fair allowing Houston two free runs. It was just so blatant. and Horrid. and Wretched.
If Greenie Dats didn't have better manners, we would have swarmed the field and lynched the ref. Tarred and Feathered him like he deserved. So we did the second best thing and screamed at the Ref "Hey Ref, You Suck!"
Che, however, got the refs attention by screaming "Hey Ref! Hey You! You! Hey Ref!" until he turned around to look at us. and then Che said the same thing we were all screaming "You Suck!!!" And that apparently crossed the line for ref. To point out the obvious. Or to say it louder than our other fellow patriots in Section 110. Whatever. So he had Che tossed.
Talk about WTF.
Mr. Koozie went out the box. "Toss us All Out!" Koozie yelled. We all stood up and screamed for the refs to toss us all out also. In my mind I was thinking, Coach Hullabaloo is going to have to bail me out of jail or something cause I was gonna go too! I was totally swept up into the emotion of the moment. It was pretty funny cause across the stadium peeps thought Peggy was getting tossed by the way we were all reacting.
So Che was escorted out of the stadium with everybody cheering and shaking his hand. Che kept exile at Felipe's for the remainder of the game.
and I promptly set up a FREE CHE facebook page. I swear, it's true. We have members and everything.
I closely monitored the news about this dreadful situation. Finally, news came in that the Ref Who Sucks, actually apologized to Coach Jones and to Jeremy Shaeffer for his putrid call. But there is still no apology to our dear Che.
So now on to my interview with our exiled revolutionary, Che:
How and When did you know you were a true Tulane fan?
When I was 10 yrs old back in 1978. The only Tulane fan in a family of LSU fans. My grandmother she's the Wave fan of the family and I went that way and have been a Tulane fan ever since. With her being the Tulane fan, she would take me to Wave football games in the Superdome.
What was the #1 most exciting/memorable moment for you as a Tulane fan?
Actually a few fave moments: 1979 Liberty Bowl, 1998 undefeated football season, 2001 & 2005 College World Series Appearances and 2002 Hawai'i Bowl Champs (Don't we all Che? Don't we all...)
Which is your #1 favorite Tulane student athlete (past or current)?
Roch Hontas
Do you have any pre-game rituals or lucky outfits/accessories?
I don't have lucky outfits but do have 2 favorite jerseys: Brandon Belanger & Roch Hontas. I got the Brandon Belanger jersey back when the Tualne sports shop used to have "garage sales" and sold game used jerseys. I actually bought 3 jerseys that day, the Brandon Belanger and Joe Akin & Jim Ordeneaux football jerseys from 98. The Brandon Belanger jersey is special to me because when he first base coach I had him sign it (which he gratefully did) after the season and he remarked that it made him feel good that we (me and group of friends that sat on 1st base side) were always out there cheering the Wave on. The Roch Hontas jersey I only bought recently from the Tulane sports shop, it was for me a must have jersey because he was always my fave Wave QB. I don't mean that has a slight to Shaun King, Patrick Ramsey or JP Losman. (of course not Che! no offense taken)
Are there any past Tulane fans that you have admired and thankful you got to know?
A good friend of mine Mr. Ray Robbins who unfortunately passed away before the opening of new Turchin Stadium. When I got the Navy in 96 I really started attending a lot of Wave games and sat on the 1st base side of old Turchin with him and we just hit it off instantly. Mr. Ray was the type of fan who has seen it all. And to be perdectly honest, probably forgot more about Tualne than I will ever know, he had season football tix when they played at Tulane Stadium. From going to games with him, we became real good friends started going to road games vs USM and LSU at Alex Box. The one ritual we had was after Saturday home baseball games we would always go to Liuzza's on Bienville Street for supper. I know he truly would've loved the way new Turchin turned out. (Liuzza's, say no more. So delish. Plus this ice cold schooners of beer. hmmmm...heaven.)
and Che adds:
Besides the jersey's I do have some memrobilia that is special to me: mini helmet signed by Shaun King & JuJuan Dawson, Washington Redskins mini helmet signed by Patrick Ramsey, baseballs signed by the 2001 & 2005 teams. Although it is unsigned, I have never seen another one like it: a 1982 era mini helmet.
See! I told you he was a SuperFan TM.....

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