Except that our tailgating was really cute so we soldiered on.

And "waves" to our neighbor tailgating krewe hostessed by Hullabaloo Huddle fan, Brittany. They had the cutest drink cups!
Some pictures of our cute sign, and the cute nametags that Cody Spark's family and friends wore to the game.

The only real downer (because the game was great) was that we had some, shall we say, colorful Ole Miss fans sitting in section 143. It was people watching central. We laughed until we cried (for real). OMG on the crazy and inappropriate outfits.
As far as what went on out on the field - without their felon QB having a few key moments, that game would have gone sideways for Ole Miss. What caught me completely by surprise was that Houston Nutt ran circles around the fans in the class department. I was not expecting that turn of events. My Ole Miss friend, Miss Glitter, is wonderful and always gracious. and has impeccable taste and manners. So I was expecting the roles to be reversed - classy fans and questionable team.
The fans that traveled pretty much just "sat" stone cold in their seats until a final QB in the 2nd half distanced out the score (yet still UNDER the point spread). I think they were gun shy after the loss to J-ville state. But came alive with that last TD. So after that TD, an Ole Miss fan who had sleeves (you know - the full on tatoo on the arms) got up, turned around and dug into Founding Father Jim.
Of all people. This guy seriously had no clue who he was trying to start something with. First of all - Jim is twice his size, so he's lucky that Jim didn't stand up. Because that would have been an "Ohhh, Noooooo" moment. and secondly, Jim has an encyclopedic knowledge of sports in general, in addition to having a college degree not from Mississippi. Here's a recap of the exchange:
Tattoo Man: blah blah blah take that. tulane sucks, ole miss is superb blah blah blah
FF Jim: Ole Miss lost to Jacksonville State. Do you know who Jacksonville State lost to today? Appalachian State.
Tattoo Man: *head exploding* Well, yeah? blah blah our record blah blah bowl game
FF Jim: After TODAY - our records will be THE SAME. and if you want to discuss records, Massoli has 2 felonies on HIS record. You wanna talk about records?
Tattoo Man: blah blah blah. turns around and sits down.
FF Jim: Y'all may win this game, but you have to go back to Mississippi. (and as the saying goes in Louisiana - Thank God for Mississippi so we aren't "last" always).
Anyways, enough with them. They came and spent money in New Orleans and our athletic department got paid. Yay!
So how PERFECT is this? My Town Daughter, Chickadee, is working at the Ticket Office in the Wilson Center. Chickadee also worked at the game on Saturday, was out on the field and got to hand out the fuzzy hair pieces that the student section was wearing. She's such a cutie pie.
And speaking of cutie pies, how about this little story sent to me by a friend (Yes, I have very dear friends who are LSU fans - don't tell anybody it will ruin my street cred, ok)?
"Dear Mrs. Hullabaloo, My Brother works the Tulane homegames and is on the field, so he asked if he could bring his 6 year old son. Well, as you know, I come from a family of Tiger fans, BUT, my nephew had a ball at the Tulane game. He made friends with the student section and was cheering and throwing footballs with the students. LOL. Nephew told my brother it was one of the best days of his life. We were cracking up. He had to go with my brother to another section of the field and said, "Dad, I better go back over there, my friends are looking for me to cheer with them!"
Now, finally, to the recipe sharing.
Priscilla brought some pork for sandwiches. I'm not sure how she prepares it. When I cook it, it's so simple girl - you'll want to slap yo momma.
Momma Hullabaloo's Pork
(this is my mother's - who can't cook - recipe and it is delish)
So take your cut of pork, we use the "Picnic" Cut
(as I google, the Picnic cut is the lower shoulder.)
a can or two of coca cola
optional: s+p, garlic powder
cajun injector
The seasonings are completely optional, it is delicious just with the coca cola alone. I promise.
Preheat your oven between 325-350. Lovingly place your picnic shoulder in an oven roasting pan with the skin facing up. Shower with a can of coca cola - you can add a second can during the roasting if you see there isn't enough Jus emitting from the pork. Take a cajun injector and fill the meat up with as much coke as it can handle.
Cover loosely with foil and put into the oven for 3-4 hours until the pork is done (internal temp should be 180 and the juices should run clear). While the pork is roasting, every half hour or so - keep injecting the meat with the Jus.
Once cooked, let cool and then slice up for sandwiches. And to accompany this deliciousness, onion relish and hot mustard caper spread is the way to go.
Pickled Onion Relish
One whole onion (white, yellow, red. don't matter)
quarter to half a tomater
boiling water
lemon juice
splash vinegar
splash water
splash canola or olive oil (whatever you have)
Boil some water. Slice up your onion into super thin rounds and put in a bowl. Cover onions with hot water and let steam for a few minutes. Drain.
Slice tomaters and place on a paper towel to pat dry. Chop up tomaters into small quarter inch cubes. Add to onions
Season tomaters and onion slices with juice from about half a lemon, capful or more of white vinegar, drizzle with canola or olive oil. Tons o salt and dash or so of pepper. If too lemony or vinegary, add just a teaspoon of water. Cool before serving. I leave it out of the fridge to cool so that the flavors mingle and marinate.
Carmelized Red Onion relish (yum-o)
One whole red onion
Balsamic vinegar
nonstick cooking spray or some olive oil
dash saltnpeppa
Slice up your red onion into thin rounds. Sautee up in a pan over low heat and drizzle with balsamic - just dashes at a time. Don't over balsamic the poor things. You can sample a bit while it's cooking down to judge if you should sprinkle more balsamic in there. Sprinkle a little saltnpeppa. Keep sauteeing until they are soft and carmelized. Cool before serving.
Hot Mustard and Capers Spread
Chinese Hot Mustard (a few tablespoons)
Regular yellow mustard (a few tablespoons)
Dollop or so of mayo
dash of honey
teaspoon or two of capers (brined green peppercorns)
Whip together the wet ingredients. Chop up the capers into bits and then fold into the mix. Spread onto your roll with a slice of pork and some onion relish.
Easy Peesy Red and Sweet Potato Salad
One sweet potater or yam
3 or 4 small red potatoes
small yukon gold potato (optional)
packet of ranch dressing
whomp of mayonaise
generous tablespoon of pickle relish
handful super sweet yellow corn (can or frozen)
Scrub wash and chop up your potatoes, skin on into half inch sized cubes. Cover with water in a large stock pot. Salt the water generously. Bring to boil and boil for about 8-10 minutes. Taste a tater piece to see if cooked through. Drain and rinse with cold water to cool.
Whip a generous whomp of mayo with about quarter to half packet of ranch dressing mix. Add taters, corn, relish and stir together to combine. add saltnpeppa to taste. Voila.
Raspberry Vinaigrette for Spinach Salad
1/2 cup raspberry vinegar (I cheated and used orange champagne vinegar)
1/4 cup fresh or frozen raspberries
1/4 cup honey
1/2 cup fresh basil leaves
3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
In a blender or food processor, combine raspberry vinegar, raspberries, honey, and basil; whirl 1 minutes or until well blended. With the motor on, add olive oil in a slow steady stream, whirling until dressing is smooth.
Candied Pecans (garnish for spinach salad)
Roughly chop about a cup or so of shelled pecans
2 tablespoons of butter
1.5 tablespoon brown sugar
sheet of wax paper
Melt butter in a pan over medium low heat, add brown sugar and stir to combine. Toss in pecans and turn to coat with brown sugar butter. Scrape out onto a sheet of wax paper, spread pecans out to cool and then store in a ziplock and refrigerate.
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