I lied! We wound up making it to the Tulsa game last week. Woot!
Coach Hullabaloo and I had gone to London for Tulane's Bye Week. We went to support the Saints in their game against the Dolphins. It was an aaaaamazing trip.

So much fun!
Anyways, so our plan was to continue on to Orlando for the USA vs Panama men's soccer game which was on Friday before the Tulsa game. Road Warriors!
We recently became American Outlaws boosters after the last World Cup. Listen, being an AO is SO funnnnn!

This was me LOLing at a guy getting tased at the USA Jamaica game in Chattanooga last February. Good Times. I do not recommend rushing the field for USA national team soccer games.
...... But back to the Greenwave. Our soccer plans got chucked with Hurricane Nate (and USA wound up not qualifying for World Cup. devastating).
I wound up getting tickets to Glazer Club for Tulsa game, which seems to be our sweet mojo spot this season. So off we went to watch our beat down of Tulsa.

We were up at the crack of daylight for a 10am game. It was so worth it though! Can every game be a morning game please?!
Everyone in the suite bailed, so Coach Hullabaloo and I got to sit in the A/C with a glass front view of the whole game, a suite Butler who fetched us drinks, and platters of lovely finger sandwiches at my beck and call.

What. a. glorious. win! Oh my goodness, I BELIEVE!
This catch by Terren Encalade was my favorite of the game. So so so boss!
Also very exciting was getting to catch up with Coach Rick Jones who was part of the honorees for the Hall of Fame induction for this year. He is so awesome and we were so thrilled to take photos with him.

So many Hullabaloos this game - 9 Hullabaloos! And the score: 62-28! How about that?! Payback, finally!!!
I was most impressed with Sean Wilson. He was a beast on the defense line.

Also exciting thing to witness was that Coach Hullabaloo and I got to watch Coach Fritz get his 200th career win. Live and in person, and what's more is that he had this honor at Tulane University. A proud moment indeed.
Another moment: This sheet sign at the Sig Ep house on Broadway. Ha.

Oy, our greeks and their rustic attempts at gameday banners ha! We'll get there Greenwave Nation! This weekend we are in Miami for the FIU game and can't wait to report back on the campus and their football traditions. If you're a long time reader you'll know my football crush on FIU's former head coach Mario Cristobal.
Their current coach is Butch Davis so I don't anticipate that FIU will just lay down for us. I'm looking forward to a fun game!
Roll Wave Roll y'all!
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