bout them apples!?
Mrs. Hullabaloo hereby takes back some of my sad, sad thoughts from last December's presser announcing our new head coach, because without having won a single game Coach CJ has given us some of our groove back. Lawd. That presser, thankfully, feels like centuries ago and Mrs. #1 Drama Queen here can now eagerly do my summer pre-season tailgate shopping with much anticipation and excitement. Hoo-ray!
intersperced here are some pictures I took at the Tulane Camp hosted for Greenwave Fans at the Hertz Center. It was kinda boring, other than the new Sand Volleyball Coach opening up his trap to ask who Riptide was. OMG, Talk to the hand!! Anyways, dontcha just love the Green and Blue bathroom tile and omg, the Green and Blue carpet!?!

You know those coupon hoarder shows? (who has time for all of that clipping and spreadsheet business, really. I admittedly tried it out last summer. But lawd have mercy, all of the hours and hours that all takes and most of the coupons are for science experiment pre-packaged food anyways, which I don't eat. I mean have you seen the size of most of those women? hello, look at what you are eating, even if it's free doesn't mean you should put it in your mouth). Anyways, my point: summer time at Chez Hullabaloo is when I stockpile for tailgating: game day dresses, napkins, plates, new tablecloths, etc. So now, I am merrily on my way!
And the reason for my gaeity this summer is that, as I'm sure you've read from the breathless accounts by the media and heard the audible gasps from corners of the state used to having their way with Louisiana recruits, Coach CJ has landed multi-star players left and right. Yessir! It's like raining commitments around here. Including: the grandson of Bob Marley! Holy Facundus, right? Seriously, I am so ready for the red stripe and jerk chicken themed tailgate! with fried plaintains, oh yeah....
....and so Ladies and Gentlemen of my cyber following: our proclivity on the recruiting trail means that The Greenies are at #32 and dropping as far as our recruiting class grade. From hundred and whatever of years past to top 50. And we had triple the number of recruits attend our camp over last year alone. For reals, y'all.
I welcome the crowds with open arms, I am so excited about this trajectory! I also realize that I have been somewhat complacent and comfortable in my congenial little Greenie Dat world. Now that we may have impending hoards, it's like Game On, Y'all. Competition! It is quite the game changer. It means I'll have to raise the bar that much higher as master tailgatress with new competition on the horizon. And that means spending more of Coach Hullabaloo's money.
Plus the cuter the tailgate, the more I hope to annoy the unfun Audubon Boulevard Matrons (can you be-lieve those cheap-o's demanded that they be given free season tickets for their inconvenience?! the nerve of those people! talk about entitled.).
Just look at what I found on Etsy today and also during my Eastern Seaboard Shopping Trip earlier this week...
and Gentlemen, the perfect Tulane Green and sky blue check from Brooks Brothers. It is so very Tulane, you have to have this.
And then this adorableness I found at the Gap.
I just love the little string bow detail around the waist, and it fits suuuuuper cute! Don't pay no mind to the lame model they used on the website, I assure you that it's very cute on. Yes, I know I have a zillion green dresses that mostly look the same. But like the hoards of black heeld loafers that I owned for my career girl days in our nations capital, each one is distinctly different okay. Maybe not to the male eye, but other tailgatresses would appreciate my affinity for having options on gameday.
and Yes. I know. I went all the way to the Eastern Seaboard to shop at places I could very well find back home. But at least I didn't have to gag at all of the purple and gold crap normally stocked here while I tend to my shopping.
Anyways, getting back to all of the recruiting hubbub....Mrs. Hullabaloo is a realist, so I'm holding my booty shaking down to an absolute minimum until after our game in Aslut this September. Which, by the way, Mr. and Mrs. Preacher Man have indicated that they might geaux check things out in Oklahoma for the game and have asked us to reconsider our boycott. They are such a sweet and fun couple, we may consider thinking about it. Maybe.
So yes, I'm remaining cautiously optimistic about our upcoming season. Give me some time here, I'm just now warming up to this ridiculous pre-dawn games we have to participate in. I am guarded just in case we should go back to business as usual of embarassing ourselves. I would like to retain the right to remain blissfully in denial through the rest of tailgating season. Because really, having to decide week to week whether I should proverbially hang on to my ankles or to the bed post in order to endure yet another heartbreaking game is a major downer..... Yes, I did just write that.
So to get our minds off such possibilities, I have finally decided to post some triple dog, super secret society recipes given to me by some friends years ago that I am finally getting around to sharing.
Coach Hullabaloo has a friend who turns out is married to a sorority sister! Small world?! Anyways, Elle, as I shall call her - is just wonderful and sweet and she has this amazing rib cooking recipe that she and Mr. Elle picked up from a cab driver during a trip they took to Memphis (you can brush up on Peggy's super easy rib recipe here if you'd like, which is also quite tasty). Elle and her hubby had gone to the Land of Elvis and went about sampling various rib joints and were never quite blown away like they had anticipated they might be. Being the serious grill foodies that they are, they rode around in a cab after a disappointing meal, bemoaning the situation. So the cab driver let them in on his secret to cooking the perfect ribs and Elle generously has shared it with me. Elle claims that this is a serious rib recipe and has made them King and Queen of the Grill in their neighborhood. I am going to try it this summer finally.
Lather your rack of ribs with dry spice rub of your choice and place onto a sheet of heavy duty aluminum foil with a second sheet to lay on top of the ribs. Gather and seal edges to make rectangle around the ribs. If you can refrigerate the seasoned ribs at least an hour or overnight it's even better...Preheat and bake at 300 for 3 to 4 hours. Elle does 3 hrs. 30 min or less. Remove ribs and grill for 15 minutes over medium heat while basting with your favorite BBQ sauce. How easy is that for perfect ribs?
I just love this tater salad. Not that I'm judgemental or prejudice against certain tater salads. I love them all with a boundless heart! But this one is particularly tasty when it's hot and lawd you know how hot it gets on that superdome parking lot.
2-1/4 lbs new potatoes (about 10, depending on size)
1/3 cuppa olive oil
1 clove garlic, minced
3 tablespoons white wine vinegar
1 teaspoon dijon mustard
saltnpeppa and half teaspoon sugah
*using white pepper might be interesting here
1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
1-1/2 t dried dill weed
Wash the taters, but do not peel. Steam until fork-tender. Slice or cube when cool. Meanwhile sautee minced garlic in olive oil over medium to low heat. Do not brown. Remove and let cool. Mix in a bowl with the rest of the ingredients and then add to potaters and mix. Cover, refrigerate and chill for at least 30 minutes before serving.
Happy Summer ya'll!
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