Yes, I am in the River City. and Dot has gone down to Red Stick, so it leaves me with nobody to play with here.
So when all else fails: shop.
And I found this adorableness at Target! Click here to buy bag online or find it at your local Target store. I can't wait to doll it all up with appropriate monogramming. This find will soooo please Coach Hullabaloo immensely.
Mega Sighs, because I normally use this hard roller case and it causes Coach Hullabaloo much consternation and frustration.
I just obsess over this suitcase so that it doesn't get scratched up or someone breath on it wrong or something equally horrific. Cab drivers aren't allowed to handle it. I cart it up myself up the outdoor jet stairs when we fly with the team. I insist it be crammed by my legs when we are on the team bus. I can just feel it getting scratched up should it be sliding around in the luggage compartments of the bus.
I totally understood that crazy girl who insisted that her Louis carry-on be saved on the US Airways crash landing on the Hudson. Poor thing was adamant it be dragged out of the plane with her and then when they got saved, the Louis had to be dumped into the Hudson. Hilarious. I would be THAT girl. So to put it mildly: it drives Coach Hullabaloo absolutely up a wall the way I am with that suitcase.
But in my defense, I haven't found another one like it should, G-d Forbid, it die and need to be replaced. Because it is just a perfect Greenwave suitcase. I even had one quite uninformed TSA lady ask me if it was some special brand by the way I insisted it be handled properly and I sassed back, "No. I just take care of my things."
so umm Yes, I have football season-specific luggage and now I have this great, easy and WASHABLE weekend duffle bag. Coach and Mrs. Hullabaloo make as many Tulane away games as possible and one has to represent at all times. So there.
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