I have two MORE Town Daughters to indoctrinate this year. Muahahahaha! (rubbing my hands together devilishly)
I school these Tulane freshman woman to love all things New Orleans. Which is not difficult since New Orleans is such a fabulous place.
Really the purpose of this program is to be an adult contact (i.e. "Town Mom") in the city, but what fun is it to only do that?
So instead of being the stuffy, bureacratic "Town Mom," Mrs. Hullabaloo overdoes it and I welcome them with these goodie baskets - Zapps, Abita Rootbear, Hubigs Pies, Delivery/Take-out Menus, a piece of Tulane Gameday Gear (this year "bedazzled" baseball caps), a starter set of Mardi Gras Throw Cups, mesh laundry bags, chip clips, and a mini purse-sized umbrella.
I pepper them with other themed baskets throughout the year: The Exams Basket has Smart Food popcorn and Smart Water (ha!), post it's and highlighter pens and Red Bull. The Mardi Gras Basket has Arthur Hardy's Mardi Gras Guide, a Mask, a little Drawstring Backpack, BC Powder, Tagamet and starter set of good Mardi Gras beads. The Spring Break Basket has Neutrogena sunscreen, Aloe Cream, Burt's Bees SPF lip balm, a Beach Towel and Beach Bag.
This year I have TWO Town Daughters to mind. Saturday was the big move-in day. So yesterday I gathered up my little chickadees, including, Big Sister/Town Daughter #1 and took them all to Plum Street for Sno Cones. What a hoot! The King Cake Sno Cone flavor is awesome by the way.

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