Mr. and Mrs. Hullabaloo spent the month of August in the throws of "Practice." We did a dry run of tailgating at Koozie and Peggy's. We braved the heat and sun to eat salty foods, wash down some beer, and shake our booties at the first annual Tailgating Festival and Expo. I tell you what, we are in shape and ready for action!
In between there, we watched Michael Parenton do some third string backup at the Jets. We are crossing our fingers and toes that Parenton continues to be a Jet, until his last dying day....
Matt Forte, of course, continues to just razzle, dazzle in Chicago. The media just cannot get enough of how SMART he is. Well, Mr. Forte has a real degree (gasp!) from a real live university. Imagine, a college athlete with a college degree. In something useful, like Finance.
We saw our first ever Tulane student sporting a Forte Bear's jersey just last week in the UC (we shant call it LBC).
My personal triumph was watching the Titans v. Cowboys preseason game with Troy Kropog at Left Tackle and Patrick Ramsey as back-up QB under center. Ramsey marched down the field on one set of plays early in the game. Hoo-ray! Of course, he tossed the ball for a safety in the 4th quarter, but we won't talk about that. That was the fault of the right tackle who was scratching his head over the new mid-field jumbotrons in the new Cowboys Stadium. You know, in lieu of holding up his end of the line. Like he should have been doing. Those midfield screens are an accident waiting to happen.
I'm sharing with you some shots of us at the Tailgating Festival and Expo. Of course, Mr. Hullabaloo, ever the media darling, was photographed the entire weekend by the Tailgating Expo press. Mr. Hullabaloo in line getting ribs, Mr. Hullabaloo tasting the results of the chef demonstrations, Mr. Hullabaloo peeking inside the RV displays.
Sunday afternoon of the Tailgating Expo, our favoritest band in New Orleans, Bag of Donuts played. They even invited the Tulane Cheerleaders on stage. It was a hoot!

And then we were off to the annual "Let's Talk Football" gathering sponsored by the Ray Hester chapter at Boomtown Casino. They had some great auction items, including the COMPLETE set of glasses from the 1966-1967 season. Alas I was out bid. I previously bought 1 glass on Ebay for $15, and the set went for $200 in the auction. Anyways, it was a fun night.

Last weekend we hit Peggy and Koozies for our "dry run" at tailgating. Mr. Hullabaloo dragged me to Academy Sports to pick out The Perfect Cajun Cooker and The Perfect Cast Iron Pan, and while I was there I found this little display of Tulane items.
So I was able to put together a lovely trophy set for the winners of our Tailgating-a-palooza. Joe got a trophy for his stuffed artichokes, Pam for her awesomest mint brownies and Stephanie for "best dressed fan" for her beautiful vintage Tulane earrings. Which might be stolen. Or so I've heard.

T Minus One Day!!!!!
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