The best thing about life in New Orleans is that you just never know what the day will have in store for you. Carpe Diem!
Lately, the weather in New Orleans is simply GRAND. Mr. and Mrs. Hullabaloo have just been having a HOOT of a time lately at the Tulane baseball games, with friends, enjoying ourselves on the weekends doing this and that and to top it all off: I have found the motherlode.
First of all Mr. Peggy has respectfully requested that he no longer be addressed as Mr. Peggy. Despite all of the fan mail and input in Section 110 imploring that Mr. Peggy remain Mr. Peggy, he has asked to be called Mr. Dirtball for his DIRTBALL cheers during the baseball games. I, however, think I like Mr. Koozie better. So Mr. Peggy has been christened Mr. Koozie. Done.
Mr. Koozie is never sans a koozie. Even if the collapsible neoprene or hard insulator variety are unavailable, Mr. Koozie has rubber bands and napkins available to fashion a Kajun Koozie. I'm not kidding.
You just cannot be caught dead in Louisiana without a koozie. Stash some in your car, keep one in your purse, lap top bag, desk drawer. You never know when a mini celebration will break out, a band will commence playing or marching down the street, and you need to be prepared.
Mr. and Mrs. Hullabaloo keep folding tailgating chairs and sometimes a mini grill in the trunk of the car at all times, so we can tailgate at a moments notice. We also have a vast array of koozies for all occasions: football jersey koozies, homecoming koozies, sorority and fraternity koozies, mardi gras koozies. Here's our baseball season koozie - which we are now down to just one since in Mr. Hullabaloo's elation of the Tulane win over LSU in baseball, was left behind in the seat cupholder at Turchin. A Small Sacrifice to the Baseball Gods. whatcha gonna do.
So Mr. Hullabaloo had to go to Home Depot. How boring for Mrs. Hullabaloo. But then I realized I could wander Big Lots. It was like a calling. Serendipity. Kismet. Simply Meant to Be.
Because now we have.......THE SWEEP SHIRT KOOZIES!
During our last bowl appearance in football (Hawaii Bowl 2003), the ever fabulous Todd Graffignini, official voice of the greenwave, found these green aloha shirts with white hibiscus which everybody on the trip promptly purchased and a veritable fashion frenzy ensued. It was a stampede to the aloha shirt stands all. over. waikiki.
After returning victorious to the mainland, the shirt craze morphed into wearing these shirts on Sundays to the baseball games. If Tulane has taken the first two games in the series, on sunday the Green Aloha Shirt Army takes over in the stands. An official Sweep Shirt if you will.
So now you know the story behind the Sweep Shirts. We have koozies to match. How fabulous!
Let me tell you, I have plum. cleaned. out. Big Lots of green hawaiian shirt koozies. It's a literal run on the sweep koozies.
What's more: Big Lots at Elmwood had an entire endcap of Tulane items. Neck rolls, pillows, footballs and this very adorable insulated bag ($5) that is the PERFECT size for refreshments for the spring and fall scrimmages. Good thing too. Spring scrimmage is April 25th! And then when it just could not get any better, I come back and the always effervescent and bubbly Nell Sparks has graced my email inbox with THE MOTHERLODE of Cajun entertainment recipes. Dips g-a-l-o-r-e my friends. a literal appetizer-apalooza.
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