So by now you know. Dun, Dun, Dun, DUN! Bob Toledo Is Back for Another Year, Plus An Extension.
I just about fell over. You might find my lifeless body clutching one of these glasses from Party Cup Express in Jefferson (off River Road).
But then .... I thought about all of you.
I just need to put my big girl panties on and "be there" when someone(s) currently in the way retires either at Gibson Hall or at Wilson Center and it's offically the Dawn of a New Day. I'm picturing a fabulous sun, with a rainbow - just like this picture. See the baby pelican and the little pond?

In the interim, I do have a few things to say.
My beloved Mario Cristobal engineered a bowl win for FIU and is now being bandied about for the positions at UCONN* and Pitt. He's slipping through our fingers. Like my nightmare is just not ending.
Mike Leach might be headed to Maryland. Step away from the Riesling or Vinho Verde Mrs. Hullabaloo.
One of my Newcomb sorority sisters found me on facebook and her profile picture is of her and her husband at an LSU game and not only is she wearing purple, she had a paw tattoo on her cheek. O.M.G.
So next year we play Syracuse and then go to Hawaii. Yay. phhfft.
Mrs. Hullabaloo is trying to put on a happy face y'all. I swear. I so wish I were a basketball person, cause then I'd have all kinds of fabulous posts about Coach Conroy and his Miracle on Freret currently underway.
So I was out shopping (shocking, I know) for the holidays and I was at M Goldberg playing stylist for Coach Hullabaloo. On the teevee at M Goldberg's was the UTEP BYU bowl game in New Mexico. Oy. I just couldn't stand it. Didn't we beat those guys?!
Alright, okay: the things that I am thankful for: LSU shuffled off to Dallas and not a) in the Sugar Bowl and b) not in a BCS championship. Thank you sweet dear Jesus. (Can they just stay there in Dallas?)
and Coach Hullabaloo bought me this book (maybe you can find it at the campus bookstore. no?)

It has some interesting exercises on how to figure out opponent game plans while watching a game. Very easy. Need a writing instrument and a sheet of paper. Perhaps also a roster cause while I could cobble together a fantasy team, I am not encyclopedic for 119 FCS teams and 33 NFL teams. So if I could do this, certainly Doddmentum can grind it out.
Our tailgating krewe masters, Red and her husband FF Jim, do a similar task during baseball season. Red keeps her notebook, keeping track of all the pitches, outs, runs, errors, etcetera. Which leads me to my final thing I am most thankful for:
Baseball Season! Yes! Friday, February 18th. Opening at home v. Sam Houston.
*Guess WHO played at UCONN. and actually recruited by THE Lou Stoltz. For real. But now he's determined to sabotage the things I love about Tulane: the Greenwave and Newcomb. Oy. There's a lesson here somewhere.