Mr. Koozie and Peggy have graciously offered to hostess at their lovely home an "Official" tailgating kick-off bash-a-palooza on August 30th. Should we be worried?
I mean, we've had all this pent up tailgating urges since MAY. That's like a complete lifetime ago in football years. We may have to apologize in advance to the Koozie-Peggy neighbors, alert local law enforcement, etc.
Mrs. Hullabaloo has busily been re-stocking the Tulane Tailgating Coffers. Embroidery Beth stiched me an awesome insulated cooler. I picked up some great napkins, plates, tablecloths, what have you.
I also finished up the beaded meanie greenie and football helmet. Is this not THE MOST?
So at the Tailgating-A-Palooza, us Hullabaloo Huddlers shall be giving away sashes and blue ribbons to all of our fellow Tulane Tailgater Nation. Categories include: "Best Dressed Fan," Most Congenial Fan, Worthiest Dessert, Worthiest Side, Worthiest Dish, etcetera.
"Worthiest" as in "Homecoming-Worthy" which is the quintessential adjective crowned upon any tailgating fare submitted to be tested by our fair Tailgating Krewe.
If it is not deemed "Homecoming-worthy" it just is not worth serving. We have standards to uphold here.
So GAME ON y'all!